“Fast and accurate spelling of an extensive vocabulary is a key component of writing fluency. Many of the skills that support word reading will also support spelling, but spelling demands great specificity and has different motor demands. There is limited high quality evidence about how to teach spelling, but it is clear that spelling should be actively taught rather than simply tested.” – EEF, Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2 Guidance Report.
What is the Science of Spelling?​
At Long Mead, we are now using The Spelling Shed to teach spelling in Centaur, Griffin and Phoenix Classes. Spelling Shed uses the Science of Spelling, a systematic approach that involves understanding the relationship between sounds and written symbols. Learning to spell is key to becoming a good reader but is far more intricate than just memorising words. There are over 300 words on the statutory spelling lists from years one to six and committing each word to memory would be an enormous and daunting task. Instead, Spelling Shed teaches children to recognise spelling patterns and highlights notable exceptions. Words are taught in context and linked to other words with similar patterns in order to fully explore their meanings.
Spelling Shed can be accessed at home and includes lots of games and activities that your child can do. Please ask the class teacher for your child's log in.
You will find the end-of-year expectations for spelling for each of our year groups in the attached documents. For further detail on the skills that your children are learning on a weekly basis, please contact your child’s class teacher or Mrs Pointing.