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Year 4/5 - Griffin Class

Welcome to Griffin Class!


This year Mrs Thornhill is your teacher along with the fabulous Mrs Craig and Miss Wilson! We are looking forward to having a great year of fun and learning with you all.


In Year 4/5 we enjoy learning about new topics in exciting and enjoyable ways. We all work together to achieve our aspirations and ensure we always try our best.


The children are encouraged to develop and use their investigative skills which in turn gives them greater level of independence and responsibility for their own learning. The subjects taught are 'brought to life' as much as possible with trips, visitors to school and 'hands-on' experience with artefacts.


We are looking forward to taking you along our journey!


To find out more about the class, the curriculum or our school please have a look further on our website or we would gladly show you round! 


The curriculum overview letters and home learning menus for this academic year can be found below.


For our term 1&2 2024/25 letter click here.

For our term 3 2024/25 letter click here.


For the term 1&2 home learning challenges click here.

For the term 3 home learning challenges click here.


To find out more about the class, the curriculum or our school, please have a look further on our website or we would gladly show you around!


Here are some highlights from 2023-2024:

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