Year 5/6 - Phoenix Class
Welcome to Phoenix class!
Mrs Pointing, Mrs Styles and Mrs Nelluri are excited for this year, which will obviously be packed full of new learning but also a good helping of fun and adventure! We are looking forward to welcoming back those of you who were with us last year and to getting to know those of you joining Phoenix class in September – be prepared to work hard but also to laugh a lot!
In Year 5/6 we have high expectations and set a good pace of learning, where all children are expected to try their best and challenge themselves, taking some responsibility for their own learning.
The end of year SATS tests for Year 6 are naturally one focus for the year, however we do not just ‘teach to the test’ and want to provide a full range of exciting and engaging learning opportunities for both year groups. This will include interactive lessons, collaborative learning and opportunities for independent investigation.
Phoenix class, as the eldest in the school, prides itself on setting a good example to the younger year groups. We are a team, who support and help each other and celebrate our differences.
Bring on the year ahead – let’s make it one to remember!
The curriculum overview letters and home learning menus for this academic year can be found below.
For our term 1 2024/25 letter click here.
For our term 2 2024/25 letter click here.
For our term 3 2024/25 letter click here.
For the term 1 home learning challenges click here.
For the term 2 home learning challenges click here.
For the term 3 home learning challenges click here.
To find out more about the class, the curriculum or our school, please have a look further on our website or we would gladly show you around!​​​​
Here are some highlights from 2023-2024: